【川沃設計 謝旻軒 JASON】古色暈染自然天光 竹影襯疊一室茶香

【川沃設計 謝旻軒 JASON】古色暈染自然天光 竹影襯疊一室茶香

OPEN Design 2020-09-21 11:40

設計概念 Design Concept

川沃設計 謝旻軒 JASON 設計總監 秉持打造予以學生體驗、傳承文化的概念,劃設場域時,設計團隊連結戶外自然,牽引外部光線入內,增添環境表情,使不同角度乃至時間,皆能感受到光照的各異變化;佐以禪風調性軟裝,透過石皮、砂石與竹子的和諧構築,模糊室內與室外的界線,呈現一方具天然紋理的沉靜空間,呼應校方希望將閒置空間與周遭特色產業做聯繫、從人性角度切入設計的想法,同時藉由裡外部的相互連結,回歸早期社會奉茶文化中,單純互信的體貼之心。

Chuan-Wo Architecture & Interior Design design director Jason Xie adhered to the concept of creating a space, which for the students to become more familiar with the tea literacy, moreover, to pass down the culture. On that account, the design team introduces the outdoor nature sunlight indoor to add up spatial situations, so as to appear the changes of light and shadow from different angles and times. Further, make use of cover stone, sand, and bamboo to shape the harmonious feature of the Zen style, and then vaguely separate the indoor and outdoor circumstance, hence brings about the serene surrounding of plain texture. The exclusive space is in line with the wish of connecting the unutilized void with the exceptional industry. In addition to realize the design notion from the perspective of humanity, at the same time, by way of the interaction of the interior and exterior, successfully string-along the sincere and considerate virtue of tea-serve culture of the early society.

設計手法 Design Techniques

開闊若行雲 通透似流水
The capacious and transparent domain possesses the open floor plan and smooth flow pattern


Different from the conventional fixed partition or screen form, the design team exploits the height difference pattern to create mixed functions of the space. First, in case there's only a small amount of people, thus, meticulously set up an area to meet the demand, which can not only serve the VIPs, on the other hand, it also becomes an appreciated side-view in the regular days. And then, set up large-scale French windows to work in concert with the outdoor patio, which withdraws the visual limitation of the space effectively.

樸拙顯質感 留白現美學
The rustic elements and leaving-blank pattern brings about the fine-cultured and aesthetics charm


Take the miniature view of the tea in the cup, and develops the image to set the art-decor as the landscape of the space. By way of scratching the surface of the plaster wall that excellently generates the waved texture while beneath the sunlight. The collocation of the building materials and the scenes bring about the striking features of the fine details of the site.

輪廓展風韻 古質蘊情調
The quaint contour expresses the charm feature and pleasant ambience


The vaulted ceiling is rare in the modern architecture, thus the design team preserves the original construction and deliberately not leveling, aim to keep the uneven yet retro texture of the ceiling. The central area of the space is planned for the students to attend the class and considered to meet the overhead illumination demand, besides introducing the natural sunlight from the skylight of the roof, moreover, set up the recessed-light grooves that pattern the wooden crossbeams in the past ages, and then perfectly outline the spatial feature.


The indirect lighting of the bamboo setting on the side of the ceiling that works in concert with the flooring pattern of height difference, and becomes another semi-partition element. The design team makes use of the wooden slabs to construct a display wall, and set up the spacing for furnishing the collected teapots, which has the functions of storage and exhibition.



Since the plot was exploited as a classroom for teaching tea making in the first instance, hitherto, there's a clay cook stove for roasting tea. The design team decides to save the stove, and fix up a desk for the teacher by the stove. There's an abnormal triangular space with iron sheet ceiling, the design team alters to makes use of glass to build the roof, so that the natural light would be introduced from the penetrate ceiling, and the sun will beautifully shines on stonewall. We construct a feature wall at the rear of the teacher's desk with the cover stone, which shows the rustic texture and touch of the stone. Consequently, take advantage of the feature wall as the lead-up, and go with the bonsai at the front, hence gently brings out the profound layout of the space.

In addition to eliminate the existing barriers, moreover, the tea products from the tea-making classes have been used to serve the people who pass by, as well to shorten the distance of people's hearts intangibly. Though it looks like a wasteland in the past, the design team exploits the original pattern of the unique shaped roof and the appealing scenery, furthermore, set up the large-scale windows to break down the barriers and create the interaction of the indoor and outdoor visually. Ultimately, bring about the plain and serene atmosphere of the Zen style.




OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/



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