【詠絮設計】大氣筆潤墨色雲煙 沈穩家宅遙寄閒適

【詠絮設計】大氣筆潤墨色雲煙 沈穩家宅遙寄閒適

OPEN Design 2020-10-15 10:39


設計概念Design Concept

本案為實品屋,詠絮設計 在不減機能的前提下,破除公領域的隔閡,選以線條簡潔的軟裝,將天地的廣闊意象融入其中;各區塊順應使用者進行色調安排,並使用低明度的灰色為基底,令整體呈現沉靜溫潤氛圍;實木貼皮、皮革裱布、大理石等用料,以質樸木石紋理豐富空間層次,並與場域中的深淺墨色交織,形成一幅雲霧繚繞的山水畫,成為令人嚮往的安穩宅邸

As planning the project of a model house, Yong Xu Interior Design demolishes the compartment of the public area, moreover, exploits the concise furnishings without lessens the function, hence, brings about the capacious open-plan feature. Adopt the grey hue of low brightness scheme as the focal tonality; furthermore, arrange diverse tones of each functional areas, so as to create the serene and genial atmosphere. Make use of the solid wood veneer, leather-cloth and marble, and take the advantages of the rustic and delicate texture of the stone and the wood to enrich the spatial gradation, as well as interweaving with the dark and light shades of the domain so that the landscaping layout becomes a desirable comfy residence.

設計手法Design Techniques

寬闊若曠野 簡約塑無壓
Capacious open-plan pattern / Pressureless concise finish


Plan the living area, study, kitchen, and dining area of wide-open configuration, get rid of the redundant partition wall, which makes the space more spacious visually. Set the style of contemporary and simplicity, thence choose the clear-cut furnishing and work in concert with the mild and plain tones, so as to create a concise and pressure-free cozy residence.

異材塑肌理 茶鏡呈通透
Multiple elements shape exquisite texture / Tawny-glass presents transparent feature


Due to pay attention to the harmony color scheme and maintain the atmosphere of the focal tonality, the design team meticulously exploits manifold materials, such as solid wood veneer, leather-cloth, and marble, furthermore, by means of the delicate texture brings out the charm feature. In addition, the element of gray mirror and tawny glass reflects the light indoors, so that creates a more transparent setting.

同色延主調 異色豐視覺
Identical hue shows focal tonality / Distinct tinge adds visual variety


Adopt the grey hue as the base tone of the public and private areas, which manifest a serene homey ambience, however, select the blue tinge for the kid's bedroom to generate a touch of vitality. Make use of similar hues of different areas, which last the harmonious vision; in the meantime, exploit the distinct color scheme in the details to draw the captivating texture.

The living area


The wall at the back of the sofa is constructed with the varnished solid wood veneer of deep grey tinge, which corresponds to the inky marble TV wall. Moreover, merry with grey furnishing of various shades bring about rich layering of halation. The ceiling is made of balmy wood panels to balance the chill sensation of the space, and enrich the spatial texture; thence becomes the striking feature of the site.

The den


Construct a semi-wall to divide the living area and the den slightly, as well as to create the see-through perception. Exploit dark paper and polyester overlay plywood to elevate the floor of the study, and via the height difference to tell apart the function of two areas. The inky marble TV wall, which assort with the ecru wood furniture presents the stable and rustic atmosphere of the Zen feature. The mounted leather-cloth wall reveals the glossy texture underneath the lighting and gently shows the exquisite charm.

The kitchen-dining area


Select dark marble to set the tabletop of the dining area, and match with the quality chandelier to bring out the steady ambience. And then, comes to the kitchen bar area, the ceiling of the black and white pattern increases the color variations, moreover, equipped with white quartz tabletop and simple-shaped pendant lights to create the neat and lightsome sensation. The design team ingeniously utilizes the stylish elements, such as the shade of contrast colors and the designed illumination, accordingly convey the stable and delightful features of the contemporary style of the two dining areas.



The master suite


Exploit beige tone to set up the master suite, which grants soothe and relaxing feeling. The setting of grey glass in the walk-in dressing room, which not only possesses the penetrating vision, meantime shapes the captivating feature via the different elements. The white wardrobe by the side of the dressing table, the modern black trim pattern perfectly works in concert with the texture of the marble dressing table.

The kid’s bedroom


Boldly choose the blue tinge as the main theme of the kid's bedroom, in addition to light up the space, but also set off the active character of the children. The recessed wall lights, the irregular linear groove of the metope, and the modeling iron hanging all display the skillful and unique features, so that adds up the astonishing texture of the space.



主要建材:大理石、實木貼皮、鐵件噴漆、皮革裱布、噴漆、灰玻璃 、訂製傢俱


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