明星教練作家張杰倫老師vs 爽爆新聞網 google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語專訪

明星教練作家張杰倫老師vs 爽爆新聞網 google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語專訪

爽爆新聞網 2021-01-07 02:15

明星教練作家張杰倫老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語專訪




























Celebrity coach writer teacher Zhang Jielun vs Shuangbao News

google newsrss editor-in-chief Zhang Gongming Jeff celebrity reception room 2021 flat bilingual interview

Q: You can ask the star coach writer Zhang Jielun to briefly introduce the star coach so that you will not be overworked.  Fatty: Stretching exercises, chair exercises, towel exercises, mobile phone rope exercises, bed exercises, move this book at any time?


Hello everyone, readers of the news network, next I want to introduce to you the simplest body shaping exercise in history!

Never overwork again.  Getting fat around you is the first step to prevent death from overwork!

The best teaching book for office workers!

   Modern office workers are generally under high pressure. The busy life and long working hours make more than 90% of office workers shout “So tired”!  Especially if the three meals are improper, there is no extra time to exercise. If it accumulates for a long time, it is prone to “overwork”.

   Overwork has a phased nature. Overwork is only a cause, and death from overwork is the final result.

There are two types of overwork, either extremely fat or extremely thin. One is obesity that can be seen from the outside of the body; the other is obesity that looks thin on the outside, but the internal organs are all filled with fat. It can be seen that “thin” does not mean health.  Either way, when you feel tired, it means that the god of death has chosen you, and if you don’t rest, you are the next!

  Appropriate exercise and diet can lead to a healthy life and body, continuously improve work efficiency, achieve a healthy salary increase, and successfully lose weight!

A fitness coach who has taught hundreds of stars, Jay Lun Zhang, designed five sports for office workers: stretching exercises, chair exercises, towel exercises, mobile phone rope exercises, and bed exercises, so that office workers don’t have to spend a lot of money or find venues.  As long as you use the daily necessities, you can easily relieve stress and get rid of overwork.  fat.

   Move anytime, anywhere, let you say goodbye to work pressure, get rid of overwork and get a good figure!

Features of this book  

.  A healthy weight loss and body sculpting book designed for office workers, with three effects of anti-work, weight loss and body sculpting in one.

.  The book is divided into five major sports: stretching exercises, chair exercises, towel exercises, mobile phone rope exercises, and bed exercises. The movements are simple and clear, and you can do it anytime, anywhere!

.  Design suitable sports for occupations that are prone to overwork!

About the author

Worked as an editor for media planning and business such as Dianjiang Records, Golden Dian Records, Cashier Magazine, Jinbao, and Liberty Times.

Served as TV host for Quanmin, Huanyu Radio, Chunghwa Telecom MOD, Elda, Xingbeida, and Sweet Potato.

In 2003, she suffered from lymphoma due to overwork, and realized the law of making money healthy.

In 2009, the simplified and traditional version of “The Collection of Workman’s Overwork Prevention Exercise 101” was released.

Coordinating the editor-in-chief and creative director of well-known domestic multimedia works.

The founder of Star Studio, has worked with many best-selling writers like Zhang Chunchun and Lai Xianzheng.

From “Sculpting a Body in Six Minutes” to “The Goddess of Qianhai Dragon”, the total sales volume reached more than one million copies in more than ten years.

The founder of Star Studio, has worked with many artists and writers such as Vivian, Alex, Rong Xiang.

The host and organizer of well-known events and press conferences in Asia.

Life-long volunteer of the Creation Foundation, Brain Anesthesia Association, and Samantabhadra Cultural Education Foundation.

Participated in multimedia publishing and successfully won the first pot of gold.

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