【愛丽設計 李翊菲】盈靜鏡材相映成趣 逸美商空絢爛放光

【愛丽設計 李翊菲】盈靜鏡材相映成趣 逸美商空絢爛放光

OPEN Design 2021-04-06 10:09


設計概念Design Concept

業主希望於此舉辦商用交誼、藝術新品發表等多元活動,由此需求發想,多元材質的運用,加上沉浸感十足的場景包裝,一個兼具質感與複合機能的私人會所就此誕生。愛丽設計 A’LUX Design 李翊菲 設計總監 以穩重深色為主要基調,搭配亮麗鏡面與水晶的巧妙佈置,使這座通透挑高的雙層空間,呈現典雅時尚的風格情境,於都市靜巷中,散發與眾不同的華貴氣勢。

The property owner hopes to hold various activities such as commercial social events and the novel art products release here. From this demand, we make use of multiple materials and couple with the immersive theme to bring about a private club with both high-end texture and diversified functions. For the foundation, A’LUX Design design director CoCo Lee exploits the profound scheme of black hue, further, ingeniously set up bright mirrors and crystal art-decors, hence fashion the transparent high-ceiling pattern of the two-story building present the elegant and stylish atmosphere, moreover, excellently manifests the exclusive magnificent aura alongside the tranquil urban alleyway.

設計手法Design Techniques

巧置隱性隔間 梳理人群集散
Ingeniously set up latent compartments
Skillfully guide the crowd flow


In the center of the domain, we separately cover the upside and downside of the cloakroom with bluish-gray velvet curtains, hence, as well as to bring out the situation of the theatre pattern. The indistinct partition that between the activity area and the bar area perfectly link up the interaction of the scopes at the same time. We hold the concept of vigor and comfort, hence plan a social intercourse site on one side, and on the other side set up an unwind space for chatting and tasting wine, hope to shape an inviting circumstance and a more smooth flow.

錯落明暗視域 幻化光影秘境
Perfectly integrate the bright and dim areas
Excellently transform the realm of light and shadow


The focal settings such as the long table for banquet, the cat-walk, and the bar are equipped with gorgeous crystal lights and modeling finishing to catch people's attention with bright white-ray of lights. Moreover, make use of the mild recessed illumination of the surrounding sides, so that the silk wall covering radiates soft halo under the reflection. In addition to blur the transition among the areas, yet assort with the sheeny gallery lamps to show the character of artworks. The view of light and shadow adds up the mystery sensation of the space; and makes it feel like in the fantasy world.

揉合多元質地 平衡美學五感
Audaciously make use of the multiple materials
Meticulously balance the five sensations of aesthetics


In order to eliminate the oppress sense of the original massive column, and moreover to create an open and capacious pattern, therefore, make use of a large number of mirrors for the spatial finishing. We take the advantages of the layering tone and texture of the clear, dark, and tawny glasses, thus, avoid the dizzy vision that caused by the duplicated images. And then, by means of the balmy timber and blue velvet cloth to moderate the reflective materials such as the dazzling interior illumination, glass, and marble, consequently, bring about the glamorous effect of crystal clear but not rigid.

The entrance appearance


The entrance appearance is construct with linear steel pieces, which sets the blended style of classical and modern industry. The wall lamps work in concert with double-layered marble to increase the layered sense of the French windows. In addition, install rolling curtains, which can flexibly adjust according to the privacy demand of the site. The green hedge in the front plays the role of blocking the hustle and bustle street views, so that the guests could enjoy the activity atmosphere more leisurely.

The bar counter zone


The Z-shaped marble bar counter of light-weight design, assort with the modeling lighting that composed of crystal and steel pieces, at once becomes the focal point and the hub of the activity. By way of the smooth and flat texture of the mirrors above the lighting and the polished flooring of black quartz tiles, both reflect the grains of the furnishings, and perfectly create an aesthetic mirage.


Various types of seats are function arranged to meet the needs of planning the different sections for the guests to taste wine or chat with friends. The groove pattern that adds the depth changes to the ceiling, and go with the clear mirrors to enhance the perception of the high ceiling. At the bottom of the London street view feature wall, the embedded lights continue casting the water waves of the scene; and then by means of the off-white hue of the floor to switch the situation, so as rendering an exotic atmosphere.

The banquet area equipped an imposing long table


The stylish golden tassel-shaped chandelier well matched the meshed iron chairs of the same tinge, which sets off the elegant feature of the solid wood long table. The large scale French window reflects the inviting scene of the long table; thereupon, a VIP area of both vintage and trendy ambience is formed.

The catwalk performance area


The black mirror wall at the rear of the enchanting suspended catwalk adopts the folding fan pattern to expand the layering vision of the space, at the same time, skillfully conceals the stairs leading to the art exhibition hall on the second floor. The hanging blue velvet curtain and the large crystal chandelier bring out the situation of the theatre pattern, so as to enhance the splendor feature of the catwalk, furthermore to catch the guests' vision and mark the culmination of the performance event.


設計團隊:愛丽設計 A’LUX Design

OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

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