【艾立思國際家飾】質感品味家飾 繽紛暢遊生活

【艾立思國際家飾】質感品味家飾 繽紛暢遊生活

OPEN Design 2021-08-17 14:47


設計概念Design concept

座落台中精華地段的高級家具旗艦店,新澄設計 黃重蔚 設計總監 與 Eliz Furniture艾立思國際家飾 合作化用「精品飯店」的時尚形象,於建築外牆鋪設鐵件格柵,並點綴暖黃燈帶,使其不論白天夜晚,皆跳脫周圍平凡街景,以優雅大氣的風貌攫獲路人目光;內部裝潢則藉由灰、白色硬裝,襯托商品的彩度與質感,一處一景,讓步入其中的賓客,盡情暢想未來繽紛的居家生活。

The high-end furniture flagship store in Taichung's prime location has adopted the fashionable image of a "boutique hotel" by paving iron grilles on the exterior walls of the building and install warm yellow light strips, making it stand out from the ordinary street scenes around and capture the attention of passers-by with elegant and grand appearance, no matter day or night. The interior finishes of gray and white tones accentuate the color saturation and material texture of the merchandise. The various furnishing themes marvelously help the guests to picture their fascinating home life in the future.

設計手法Design techniques

修飾老屋 打造精品形象
Create the magnificent image through the excellent renovation


The building has existed for more than 40 years, the designer meticulously makes use of iron grills to overlay the exterior wall, and takes advantage of irregular dynamic light and shadow to create rich visual interesting of strong modern charm, thereupon, skillfully conceals the worn tile walls behind. Place exquisite imported sofa and a long-shaped counter beside the large three-sides window setting on the first floor; artfully shape an elegant view of a hotel-like reception desk to impress the passersby.

暖白深灰 形塑穩重質蘊
Generate the refined features via the color schemes


In line with the high-class brand image of advanced and customized services, apply artistic coating on the square pillars and French window frames on the first floor, the rusting variegated texture of iron-gray tinge, perfectly shows the stable and introverted features through the baptism of time. Then walk into the interior space, the ceiling and walls respectively finish with trendy warm-white and dark-gray hues, and incorporate with various furnishing, cleverly manifest the exclusive striking touches of the commodities.

環形動線 暢遊多變情景
Enjoy the various appealing layouts by way of the smooth flow


Arrange the smooth circular flow of each story of the building to meet the requirements of exhibiting and appreciating types of furniture and furnishing. Furthermore, exploit innovative renovation materials such as system panels and Tectan boards to set up several stunning feature walls, so that the customers can conceive the rudiment of future home style within the changing scenes. Also makes good use of interior elements like fabrics, curtains, and artistic ornaments to decorate every corner and bring out the warmth of real life.

The exterior appearance


Take advantage of the iron grilles and light strips on the exterior walls of the second and third floors to heighten the overall visual proportion, creating the illusion that the three-story building likes four stories, while generating a high-ceiling pattern of the first floor. Thereupon, the building at the intersection sends out the splendid imposing manner. Enlarge the original round-shaped columns at the pedestrian arcade by way of stable woody feature and finishes of artificial fair-faced cement texture to work in concert with such imposing appearance. The external flooring also echoes the environment via paving the tiles of gray sandstone texture of different sizes, flexibly perform the active and delicate grains.

The showroom on the first floor


The showroom on the first floor serves as a glamorous storefront; make use of three large-scale French windows to reveal the temperament of the brand. And then, particularly select exquisite low-back imported sofas to keep the transparent and bright situation. At the entrance, install a row of pentagonal stylish light fixtures to guide the guests to the reception counter, happily enjoy the most considerate service.


Considering that the setting of the furniture needs to change from time to time, therefore, take advantage of the track lights that handy to adjust angles and dismantle, and set the ceiling of concise square pattern to incorporate the style. Because of the popularity of single-chair products, meticulously set an exclusive display wall of well-order feature to place either classical or novel style goods.


The gray color wall of the reception area couples with a bronze metallic perforated panel brilliantly set the contemporary tonality of the store. The counter is made of cement and weathered railroad ties to bring out the rustic nature feature. The two completely different styles highlight the contrast between the new and old elements, which symbolize the diverse materials and textures of furnishings that have been constantly evolving after time changes and are all gathered here for sale.

The staircase


Elevate and broaden the first step of the staircase that leads to the second floor to fashion a display platform for placing commodities or creating a scene. The right wall is designed of a dynamic three-dimensional pattern; moreover, equip leather handrails and light strip to guide the customers to go upstairs to visit more colorful furniture items.

The showrooms on the second and third floor


The ceilings of the second and third floors do away with laminated panels, merely sprayed with white paint to retain the raw pattern and height of the space. Arrange the deep-gray finishing wall and a few three-dimensional trim panels under the crossbeams, so that the guests naturally focus on the colorful and patterned home decor area.


Among the many windows of the building, carefully select several windows with excellent lighting to set out various curtain products, while the rest are covered with Tectan boards of artificial-leather texture and cloth wall of flow line pattern to keep the shopping center clean and tidy. Furthermore, successfully brings about a more stable and gentle home scene via the warm yellow light fixtures.


Make use of practical makeover materials such as gray mirrors and system boards of imitated-terrazzo texture to let the customers experience the lively home-like setting, moreover, take advantage of the low-key and adaptable background to set off the furnishings of various features. At the same time, the hanging paintings and decorations as goods also artfully cast the vivid picture of every corner, and seemly bring the refined image into a real home circumstance.



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