UNstudio-新加坡科技設計大學 SUTD

UNstudio-新加坡科技設計大學 SUTD

欣傳媒-新生活態度Xinmedia 2014-10-09 00:00

編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/UNStudio

新加坡科技設計大學(Singapore University of Technology and Design/SUTD)鄰近樟宜機場(Changi airport)及樟宜商業園區(Changi Business Park),預計於2014年落成後預計成為當地第四大及著名之大學校園,而校園之A區則由建築事務所UNstudio及DP Architects所規劃設計。



UNstudio聯合創辦人兼建築總監Ben van Berkel 表示,新校園設計主要的概念為以開放及透明的新穎教學環境來慶祝教學與學習,而雙扇形校園中廣闊開放的景色與路線也為教師、學生及職員創造出一處能欣賞校園美麗景觀並能持續互動與隨時交換意見的場所。



校園的設計目標也預期達成新加坡綠建築獎(Green Mark rating)中的最高白金等級獎。在陽光與風向的考量下,利用建築物的方位及深度達成最佳的自然通風效果及最大的日光照射範圍。

UNstudio 事務所





Singapore University of Technology and Design/UNStudio

UNStudio, in collaboration with DP Architects, has been selected from a shortlist of five practices to design Plot A of the SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and Design) campus.

Located on a site of 76,846 m2  and close to both Changi airport - Singapore’s principal airport - and the Changi Business Park, the SUTD will be Singapore’s fourth and most prestigious university.

The Singapore University of Technology and Design will offer four key academic pillars: Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD), Engineering Product Development (EPD), Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) and Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD). The SUTD will be a driver of technological innovation and economic growth, with the new campus acting as both a catalyst and a conveyor for advancement, bringing together people, ideas and innovation.

UNStudio’s design for the new campus directly reflects SUTD’s curriculum, using the creative enterprise of the school to facilitate a cross-disciplinary interface; interaction is established between the professional world, the campus, and the community at large. The design for the campus offers an opportunity to embrace innovation and creativity through a non-linear connective relationship between students, faculty, professionals and the spaces they interact with.

Ben van Berkel: “The main aim of the design for the Singapore University of Technology and Design was to create a campus that celebrates both teaching and learning in an open and transparent way. The network of horizontal, vertical and diagonal vistas within the double quadrant organisation of the campus enables professors, students and faculty members to see, meet and communicate with each other through a network of crossing points, presenting opportunities for continuous interaction and exchange.”

Sustainable learning - Seeing the future of design as shaped by an activating, transparent, connective environment

The New SUTD campus will facilitate cross-disciplinary interaction between all four pillars of academia. The orientation and organisation of the campus is designed through two main axes; the living and learning spines which overlap to create a central point, binding together all corners of the SUTD. These thoroughfares create a 24/7 campus of seamless connectivity, enhancing direct interaction through both proximity and transparency. In turn, an open forum of learning is established by bringing professionals, alumni, students, and faculty together to interact both on an academic and a social level.

The design for the SUTD campus aims to achieve the highest Green Mark rating (platinum) available in Singapore. Preliminary considerations in the design include building orientation and depth in relation to sun and wind exposure, along with the incorporation of maximum natural ventilation and daylight to all buildings.

【More Information】

More architecture tour information, here you go【Architecture Footprint】

More architecture works abroad, here you go 【International】


A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

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