ACXT IDOM-BTEK科技展示中心 自給自足的三角量體

ACXT IDOM-BTEK科技展示中心 自給自足的三角量體

欣傳媒-新生活態度Xinmedia 2015-04-09 00:00

位於西班牙畢斯凱科技院區(Technology Park of Biscay)的BTEK科技展示中心(BTEK Technology Interpretation Centre),在做為各式展覽活動的場地之外,更是著重在學生對於科技的參觀體驗,並以以下的目標做為設計目的-可做為靈活使用的展覽場地、可持續能源使用的高效建築設計以及如BTEK科技展示中心的三角logo般可放置太陽能板的三角狀屋頂。


BTEK科技展示中心主要由二個金字塔狀的量體組成,看似分開的二個量體其實於地表下相連。其中一個由地表昇起的黑色量體,其三面由金屬構成的外立面使得量體深具沉重感,並在表面舖上太陽能板。第二個量體外觀則由二片幕牆與阿斯特羅人造草皮(Astro Turf)構成,如同是一座從地表延伸而出的建築。

行人入口處位於第一個量體,以斜坡式入口設計在褶襉狀的角落處,而入口處經由金屬外板所形成的光影帶出了歡迎參觀的氛圍。在進入室內通往接待櫃台之前,需先走過一條被稱為「Gorge峽谷」狹窄高度為18公尺的通道,非常有趣的明暗轉換體驗;而另一處愈走愈狹窄及天花板高度愈來愈低的通道則被稱為是「vanishing points」的設計。






ACXT IDOM-112緊急應變大樓 綠能與整合的最佳典範



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/ACXT-IDOM  


BTEK Technology Interpretation Centre/ACXT-IDOM

BTEK is a new technologies interpretation centre, focused on student visits.

The most significant determinants set by the developer, Parque Tecnologico SA, were the following:

1.The generation of a very flexible and varied exhibition area, capable of hosting all sorts of exhibition.
2.The design of high efficiency building services and the use of renewable energies.
3.The projection of a roof (destined to lodge the solar panels) of a similar geometry to that of its triangular logo.

One of the main goals of the project is to come up with an implantation solution adapted to the surroundings, in a plot with a certain geometrical and topographical complexity, uniting architecture and urbanization, thus deleting the limits between indoors and out.

The location of the plot, in one the highest areas of the Technology Park of Biscay and with a great visual repercussion, helps with the starting goal of projecting the building as a landmark, a reference in the landscape. This approach was particularly important at the very beginning of the project, when there were no other buildings in the area nor were they to be expected in the near future. At that moment, the plot was surrounded by fields, with excellent views of the Technology Park of Biscay and a line of sight to the Bilbao ring-road and, parallel to that, the nearby airport runway. 

The building is formed by two pyramidal volumes, apparently detached, but connected underground:

1.The first one is a black volume that rises from the ground, of a heavier composition and enclosed by its three metallic façades, its roof being formed entirely by a grid of solar panels.
2.The second volume, in comparison with the first one, is generated by two curtain walls and an Astro Turf roof that was conceived as an extension of the ground and occupies the entire plot up to the limits of the building.
3.The roofs of the underground connection, also covered by Astro Turf, blend in with the plot and the surroundings. 

The entrance for pedestrians is generated through the first volume, where a pleated corner marks the entrance to the building and shows the access ramp. As we descend, a metal projection shelters the arrival, welcoming the visitor in.

Going inside is the leap towards the reception area, called “the gorge” due to its narrow dimensions and its 18 metres of height. The “vanishing points” are accentuated due to the tightening of the walkthrough and the lowering of the ceiling as we go along.

The exhibition program of the building is organized over three floors that escalate and shift parallel to the steep slope of the plot, thus the ground floor and the 2nd basement have direct access to the outside at street level. The connections between the three floors take place through great stair-cases and ramps that go along with the geometry and volume of the complex, in such a way that the building is understood as a single continuous space free from enclosures or divisions.  

A sequential walkthrough has been designed through the five halls, of very different characteristics, that respond to very different possible exhibitions and contents: from halls with conventional ceiling heights to variable height halls with and without natural light in which up to a free 16 meters height can be reached.

Close to the pedestrian access, a wide ramp has been projected as a driveway to the car park and building services rooms, which, at the same time, allows for the direct access to exhibition halls for the introduction of large pieces.

The design of the building minimizes its environmental impact through the maximum reduction of its energy needs and their resolution based on efficient equipment and renewable sources. The result is a compact building, with excellent thermal insulation and protected from direct sun radiation. 

The system that provides the inside thermal comfort and the great air cleanness expected from a building of such characteristics has as a primary source a geothermal heat pump which, using vertical pipes that penetrate 135 m into the ground, allows for the main heating and cooling demands. This pump is aided by another, with the idea of reassuring the conditions of the complex, securing a 30% saving against conventional systems. Furthermore, this also averts other forms of pollution such as the expulsion of thermally altered air or the production of noise, which is almost totally avoided.

The rest of the cooling system has been adapted to make the most of the advantages of this technology, using heating thermal levels with low water temperatures – close to 40ºC – and cooling ones with high water temperatures – around 12ºC – that optimize the efficiency of the geothermal production and reduce losses thanks to insulation. These H&C machines incorporate enthalpy energy recovery and free-cooling, so that indoor and outdoor conditions are made the most of in order to reduce energy consumption. 

Lightning also pursues the energy consumption reduction goal, using the diffuse light from the north for the illumination of the circulation areas that, favoured by the inside clear colours, appear very bright during the day without the need for artificial light.

The 60 kWp photovoltaic system complements these energetic initiatives allowing the building to significantly reduce its energy footprint without it affecting its image, for it is perfectly integrated in a roof that, due to its visual repercussion, has a façade character.

The result is a reference building, from an architectonic and energetic point of view, which, according to the calculations done during its conception, is almost self-sufficient energy wise.

ACXT, an architecture services provider, started off as a society of professionals who came together with the aim of offering a quality alternative within the field of architecture, becoming a valid option for the professional development of architects interested in high level architecture. Its philosophy marks the creation of a professional framework of collaboration and avail of its members’ synergies, always from a full understanding of architecture: both technically and culturally.
The philosophy that guides ACXT is based on the respect for traditional values, still in force today, generated during the secular practice of architecture. ACXT is committed to signature architecture, understood in terms of respect for the creative values that architects, with a clear customer orientated practice, have historically contributed throughout the whole intellectual and constructive process. ACXT aims to offer a quality solution to the huge social credit that the practice of architecture implies in its double commercial and cultural dimension.
ACXT-IDOM has become the largest provider of professional services to architecture in Spain and one of the most relevant worldwide. In the January 2015 edition of the BD World Architecture’s Annual Survey, a British publication that gathers the hundred most important architecture firms worldwide, ACXT-IDOM was ranked number 52.

【More Information】

112 Building/ACXT-IDOM

More architecture tour information, here you go【Architecture Footprint】

More architecture works abroad, here you go 【International】

Text & Photos/ACXT-IDOM
Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

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