Richard Meier & Partners-白派首棟建築落腳台中

Richard Meier & Partners-白派首棟建築落腳台中

欣傳媒-新生活態度Xinmedia 2015-05-28 00:00

台中市近幾年可是因國際級的美麗建築而增色不少,像是日本建築師安騰忠雄設計的亞洲現代美術館以及伊東豊雄操刀的大都會歌劇院等,而預計於2018年時台中市區也將豎立起由美國白派建築大師Richard Meier所設計高達 163 公尺,47 層樓的公寓大廈建築,除了擁有Richard Meier招牌的白色優雅外型,一體兩面的南北塔樓結構,也是設計上的特色之一,同時這也是Richard Meier第一棟座落於台灣的建築。



Richard Meier & Partners建築師事務所的另一位夥伴Vivian Lee也表示,在考量了基地位址及自然光線下,並整合了材料與設計細節下事務所就像是為台中市特別量製了這棟獨特的地標式公寓大廈建築。


事務所的夥伴Dukho Yeon表示,在台中活潑的現代氛圍及業主的容許下事務所才能為這城市設計出獨特的空間,同時也展現出事務所對於善於採光與透明性的專業手法。

Richard Meier是現代主義建築大師,於1967年提出了「史密斯住宅」後,確立了白派建築的理論基礎,成為紐約白派建築巨擘,獨樹一格的白派設計風格,以及運 用新科技改變建築結構等卓越設計,為建築界劃下重要里程碑,曾獲得1984年普立茲克建築獎,他的建築作品遍及美國、歐洲與亞洲,最知名的建築包括位於美 國洛杉磯的蓋堤中心(Getty Center)、義大利羅馬的千禧教堂、美國喬治亞的亞特蘭大高等藝術博物館(High Museum of Art)、紐約市的住宅大廈、法國巴黎的Canal+電視總部,與西班牙的巴塞隆納當代藝術館(Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art)等等。

Richard Meier & Partner 事務所



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Richard Meier & Partners 


First Building in Taiwan/Richard Meier & Partners

Richard Meier & Partners has revealed their first ever building in Taiwan, a 163-meter apartment building close to the center of Taichung. Offering 110 apartments with views over Taichung City Hall, the Opera House, and the Convention Center, the tower is composed of two towers connected by a central circulation core. The north tower is the taller section, with a geometric appearance that responds to the more built-up area to the north of the building. The south tower, which faces an area of smaller-scale residential buildings, features an expressive facade of translucent glass.

The highly visible building represents “an iconic image for Taiwan’s future,” and “a synthesis of innovative and elegant architecture”, according to the architects. “We are honored to be part of the dynamic architectural vibrancy of Taichung,” said Richard Meier. “The new tower responds to the scale of city’s existing fabric while sustaining the modern architectural dialogue which we continue to refine and explore throughout our work.”

“We approached the design of this residential tower as a unique opportunity to deliver a beacon to the city center, with a tailor-made solution incorporating the firm’s meticulous consideration to details, finishes, and materials while following our ideals of site, order and the use of natural light,” adds Vivian Lee, Associate Partner at Richard Meier & Partners.

In addition to the apartments, the building offers a range of amenities for residents, including a swimming pool, fitness center, lounge, massage rooms, and banquet rooms on the lowest three floors, and a communal sky garden on the 16th floor of the north tower.

On the south tower, natural light is controlled by overlaying the translucent curved glass with transparent and translucent screens, and by including solar shading systems such as louvers.

“The Owners’ commitment to this project allowed us to craft a very special building unique to this site and the City of Taichung, inspired and energized by the vibrant modern culture of Taiwan,” said Dukho Yeon, another Associate Partner. “The design of the tower embodies our core principles of lightness and transparency.”

Construction of the Taichung Condominium Tower has already started and completion is expected in 2018.

【More Information】
Laurian Ghinitoiu photographer

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Photos/Richard Meier & Partners 
Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.

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