頑味大空間The amusing space

頑味大空間The amusing space

設計盒子DESIGN BOX 2018-01-18 11:35


懷生國際設計有限公司  Wyson Int'l Architecture Interior Design

翁嘉鴻  Chia-Hung Weng




The integral design plan, from setting up appropriate scenarios on different floor to meeting different kinds of requirements from clients’, is of a great challenge which examines the designers’ professional experiences and wisdoms.



The external passion and comfort.

With the stylish lights, the second floor, a public area where is most likely reachable, confronting the outside environment and contacting with the people, gives rise to the modern and simple style, by bringing into existence the public living and dining room with clean and sharp lines, the artificial TV wall which the unsymmetrical ironworks are furnished on the grey wall surface, the L-shape stainless steel table and the wall at the staircase. In the living room where the main wall is painted in colors demonstrating the most spatial strength, that the warm and rough red cultured stones, the irregularly installed racks, the reverse T handles on the storage closet, and the collections of paintings and dolls have become the compound of heartwarming and off-trending elements. The wooden grille ceiling which is spilled with daylight through the large ceiling window, the frosted glass, and the sliding door installed with ironworks have brought into existence the intriguing combination of tangibility and intangibility, opaque and limpidity, and elegance and exquisiteness, so that there is an interesting comparison between the identity of the area and the functionality of the space.



The intimate style.

The more reading the story about client’s life, the more understanding to the intimacy of the whole family. Though the firm visual effect and apparent characteristics of the curtain decorated in the main bedroom, its soft texture has also demonstrated the practicality and majestic but tender style in the meantime. That the L-shape bed, rest room and dressing room are public mutually while connected closely meanwhile. Without having an impact on the planed height of the building, the lines, presenting the idea of waves, on the ceiling connect the entire space and extend to the TV wall. The all-round TV wall, in parallelogram, has functioned isolating the spaces of bedroom, rest room and dressing room, the thoughtful idea taking into considerations the distinct requirements from the couple. The dressing room, unusually designed in the open style, is full of trending apparels and accessories. In this intimate space, the couple could carefully look at the appearances mutually.



The personal space.

In this residence, there is a small but personal working area, where the herringbone-style ceiling has become the indicator of the space that people could follow the direction walking along from the vivid display racks to the calm working area, the design connecting the space, in which the randomly installed display racks have symbolized the extrovert and funny personality. The essential tone of colors are white, brown, and black. The gallery style, decorated on the ceiling, connects the grey display cabinet, and makes the entire space become the extensions based on the lines. That the couch which is painted in peacock blue, the painting of scratches, and the tapered chandelier are of silence, intrepidness and fantasy, the complete design ranging from the furniture and decorations makes the life interesting.


現實生活鍛鍊出壯漢的剛毅,但屋主內心仍保持著一顆熾熱的童心,潮人標配Be@rbrick暴力公仔,借鑑樂高積木的四方造型原理,讓成熟而心態年輕的屋主愛不釋手,成套收集的成就與滿足撫慰疲憊的身心,寄託奔放的頑皮興趣。精選Fabio Novembre建築師所打造的歌劇魅影復刻面具塑膠椅,運用人體曲線表達背後的抽象意義,包覆了卸下偽裝的屋主,回歸原始,留下一片小天地給自己去品酌人生,也在前衛超現實的空間物件組構中逐步搭建超現實酷宅。

The exotic childish atmosphere.

Though the client, who has tough willpower developed from the real world, his playful disposition remains. The popular dolls, called Be@rbrick that is made of Lego, present the client’s most favorable preference. The complete collections of dolls have been a great achievement for the client, have brought back the exhausted body and mind into the most original state, and have become a part of his playful interest. The exquisite collection of the retro-mask plastic chair, the stage props in the musical “Phantom of the Opera,” is created by the architect Fabio Novembre that the abstract meaning of the body curves takes off the tense and protective character of the client. These collections have left the client an original private mind space, in which he enjoys his life experience while making him capable of building up a surreal residence composed of avant-garde spatial objects.




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