

Designwant 設計王 2019-09-21 00:00






This project is located in the newly emerging urban residential area in northern Taiwan, with area of approximately 40 square meters, as the owner is single, and a life connoisseur who is very clear on his styling and seeking a royalty style with a touch of minimalism. Therefore, under the white-color base theme, a greyish black color tone was created, along with dashes of contrasting colors that correspond to the owner's personality traits, of peach red and bright yellow,added while soft-touch and temperature moderating hexagonal tiles were used, complemented by fabrictexture materials to optimize the color scheme of the interior colors, along with numerous color temperature schemes were meticulously applied in various spaces of different functionalities.


本案是位在台灣北部新都會區的建案,空間約13 坪,屋主是單身貴族,對自己喜愛的風格與事物有十分明確的想法,也是懂得享受美好事物的生活家,居住風格訴求貴族品味中又能彰顯其簡約俐落的生活態度。於是在白色空間主調下輔以屋主偏好的灰黑色系,設計者復添入符合屋主開朗個性的桃紅、明黃等作為跳色;並選用具柔軟觸感、冬暖夏涼的六角磚材質,櫃體亦覆以具織布紋理的材料,增加全室溫暖質性,而燈光色溫亦巧妙運用在不同的功能空間裡。











As the residence only enjoys natural lighting from one elevation, metal pieces and glass were used as partitioning materials to demarcate various parts of the overall space, while mirrors were strategically placed on surfaces of cabinets and parts of wall surfaces, to optimize visual perception; As the owner
often hold social gatherings of families and friends, the bedroom was installed with flexible sliding curtains to cater for flexible use of space for either social interaction or privacy. This design of this residence also involved the creative input from the occupant, as the owner directly participated in the mosaic tiling process, to create visual continuity and rhythmic spatiality.











With an emphasis on all design come from humanity, the designer imbues suitable functionalities to each corner of the space while gaining a specific understanding into interpersonal, people-object relationship and interaction, to create an ergonomically friendly living environment of comfort. Such as the storage cabinet of shoes and items for outings, made from flexible metal-piece joints; clothes cabinets equipped with LED light with sensors for the ease of clothes retrieval upon opening; tireless testing to select the suitable acoustic panels with E1-grade and fire-retarding B1-grade materials to ensure optimal environment and sleeping qualities. All ergonomic design catering for movements with proper dimensions, as well as material selection and surface treatment, were to adhere to the pursuit of a cultural allegiance of youthful posh aesthetics.


衣櫃皆配置LED 人體感應燈,讓使用者打開門片就能方便選取衣物;為提供屋主休憩與睡眠時良好的環境品質,經反覆試驗後於臥室一側牆面選用環保E1 級、阻燃B1 級的木絲吸音板,達到吸音降噪效果。而所有符合人體工學動作與尺度的設計,在材質的選用及立面處理上,均以貼合全室文青而時尚的美學風格為要。

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