【龍雲設計 龍世運】以東方工業風 打造個性家宅

【龍雲設計 龍世運】以東方工業風 打造個性家宅

OPEN Design 2020-04-15 17:50


回應喜愛獨特工業風的屋主,龍雲設計 龍世運 設計總監 以此為基底進行組合變化,發展出書畫墨色的東方元素概念,揉合基調冷冽的工業風,形塑出獨特寂靜感,兩者交織下,跳脫傳統硬派風格的嶄新風貌應運而生;墨色渲染的宅邸,猶如一卷極具古韻的宣紙,在鐵件、原木等素材交融下,染出一方飽含中西意藴的天地

Take the distinct industrial style that favor by the homeowner for the foundation, further blend with the Oriental ink painting element concept, and hence bring about the unique touch of tranquil. Depart from the conventional rigid pattern, LONG WIN Interior Design Shih Yun Lung design director construct a brand-new style of coordinating. The inky color scheme of ancient rhythm amalgamated with iron pieces, timbers and other materials, perfectly bring out the Chinese and Western collection ambience.

組合材料別具匠心 The incorporate materials show ingenuity


Reserve the basic black, white and grey tone of industrial style, inlay the iron element of the oriental charm, take the advantage of the uncommon OSB planks black dyeing processing, so that the wood texture can be preserved and tidy up the deep hue of the space, as well reducing the chill and harden feature. The black coating iron gratings and window lattices, draw the main texture of the space, and make use of the rustic nature of industrial style to create an exclusive low-key, delicate stylish residence.

聚合收納釋放坪效 Excellent storage design create efficient flooring


The ceiling of the living space is constructed of gratings, which is different from the common exposed pipelines industrial design. The black coating iron parts that embellished the original pipeline, as well extending the line of the ceiling and wall, create a spacious vision. In order to make the best use of the space, combined the island of the dining area, the dining table and the appliance cabinet into one to increase the storage volume and the smooth flow; the embedded dining table illumination and the projected spotlight that make the rustic industrial feature less cold and rough, yet with a touch of gentle. The master bedroom exploit the same technique to integrate the dressing table, TV wall and wardrobe, simplify and coordinate the living function, moreover amplify the usage of the space.

居室端景視覺聚焦 The side view generates the vision spotlight


The customized oil painting cloth textile sets the focal point of the living and dining area, match with jazz blue hue wall to make the flow of the spatial transition not monotonous; the stacked blue, yellow, white, orange and other bright colors, adds a colorful touch of the space within the deep and stable tone. Put glamorous tint into the Loft industry style surrounding, as well the stunning hanging artwork brings about the captivating spatial temperament.

彈性設計活化機能 Adjustable design activate living function


In view of the learning demand in the future, the adjustable design becomes the major regard of the children's room. Therefore, set up a flexible space that convenient for bed changing or setting desk. Different from the inky charm ambience, the blue graffiti wall as the focal point of the vibrant bedroom, and the well-lit tonality echoes the youth vitality of children.

OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

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