企業的行銷該如何規劃 才能接住三級警戒放緩後報復性消費?

企業的行銷該如何規劃 才能接住三級警戒放緩後報復性消費?

台灣好新聞 2021-07-20 00:00


全球爆發 COVID-19 嚴重影響經濟。台灣今年疫情加重,全國開始實施三級警戒,各行各業皆受到空前的影響。但隨著三級警戒即將逐步解封,企業的行銷又該如何規劃以掌握此波報復性消費呢?

專門協助企業規劃與執行行銷專案的「我如何整合行銷有限公司/How Project」( howproject.com.tw )表示,其實從台灣去年( 2020 )疫情解禁的經驗中,可以清晰地看出,當消費者從被壓抑的情緒中得到釋放後,所爆發出來的消費能量是遠超過疫情前的!


台灣在 2020 年 2 月至 5 月是受疫情影響的高峰,有些景點的旅客人次跌至往年的 20% 。 但在 5 月 25 日疫情指揮中心頒布防疫解禁標準之後, 6 月份的旅遊人次隨即就比 5 月成長了 100 %。

接著政府在 2020 年 7 月開始推行旅遊補助,在這補助的 4 個月中,旅客人次甚至比疫情發生前的 2019 年成長了 100 % 以上。即使是過了旅遊補助的 11、12 月,旅客人次也幾乎回歸到以往沒有疫情的時期。最後在從整年度的旅客人次來看,2020 年全年的旅客人次,也與疫情發生前的 2019 年相差不遠。

另外從「來臺旅客人次」統計表中可以發現, 2020 年來台的旅客跟 2019 年相比,僅剩下 12% ,可以看出台灣在 2020 年的旅客幾乎皆為國人。由此可見,接下來的報復性消費,將會以國人為主要消費族群。

有了以上的數據,那企業的行銷又該如何因應規劃呢?How Project表示,消費者經過二個月的三級警戒壓抑,後續防疫措施逐步鬆綁時,台灣將進入報復性消費的階段,企業更需善用以推力為主的行銷策略(聯盟式行銷,集客式行銷,品牌行銷,線上行銷)以及有效率的行銷服務及工具,如Google GDN、SEM,社群軟體的廣告,讓更多消費者接觸到自家的產品與服務,並同時增加優惠方案,促使企業業績成長。


How is the marketing of enterprise to be organized for handling further compensatory consumption as level 3 COVID-19 alert had been eased progressively?

The outbreak of COVID-19 had impacted the economy globally. Taiwan is strongly hit by the pandemic and conducted a national level 3 alert. All walks of life suffered from this severe impact. However, how are the enterprises to make the portfolio for seizing the compensatory consumption this time as level 3 COVID-19 alert will be lifted step by step?

「How Project」( howproject.com.tw ), the professional in corporate planning assistance and marketing project execution commented that based on the experience which the pandemic was lifted in Taiwan in 2020. It’s clear to observe that the consuming force is overwhelming and more than before the COVID-19 outbreak when consumers had released the pent-up emotion.

This kind of revenge shopping (so-called compensatory consumption) is that because consumers who are suppressed for a while reward themselves and blow off steam even make the splashing out than before.

It’s approved with the below statistical analysis:

There was a peak which is affected by pandemic from Feb. to May 2020 in Taiwan. The passenger number in some of the scenic areas fell to 20%. But the passenger number in June 2020 had 100% growth compared to May 2020 due to CECC announced the lifting criteria of epidemic prevention on 25th May.

After that, the government started to offer a travel subsidy from July 2020. During the period of 4 months as the subsidy was offering, compared with 2019 (pandemic hadn’t occurred), visitor growth had more than 100%. Even though there was no subsidy from Nov. to Dec. 2020, the passenger number was almost back to normal.

Overall, from the passenger number in the whole year of 2020, there is a similar result with 2019.

Furthermore, based on the statistical table of visitor arrivals, in comparison with 2019, visitor arrivals in 2020 became only 12%. It is known that the tourists of 2020 in Taiwan are almost native. Hence it can be seen that native will be the major consuming group in further compensatory consumption.

According to the above statistics, how does the marketing of enterprises to be coordinated? 「How Project」stated that the consumers are depressed during the 2-month level 3 epidemic alert, and then Taiwan will enter the phase of compensatory consumption while epidemic prevention measures are lifted gradually. The enterprises should utilize marketing strategies (affiliate marketing, inbound marketing, branding marketing, online marketing), as well as efficient services/tools such as Google GDN, SEM, Facebook advertise, thus let more customers contact their products and services. Besides, increasing preferential programs is to facilitate business growth at the same time.

The enterprises had a severe impact on the pandemic. On the contrary, in the Post Pandemic Era, how does catch hold of this compensatory consumption this time is the most critical topic for enterprises.

For your request and product, well-using various marketing tools/channels, assisting the design of completed marketing strategies as well as all-around plans, providing clients the available content management are necessary.

Therefore seizing this consumption is not only the revenue can back to normal but also loss can recover.



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