Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack | Tw Manufacturer | FLYWELL INT. CORP.

Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack | Tw Manufacturer | FLYWELL INT. CORP.

台灣產經新聞網 2022-04-07 00:00
Flywell International Corp., located in Taiwan, dedicated to Furniture industry. We are the experienced Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack | TW Manufacturer | Flywell Int. Corp.. Here are detailed information of Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack. We invite you to kindly have a look at our various products & categories. We are sure that if you are looking for manufacturer and supplier in Taiwan, it is a good choice to get associated with us and receive best services. Our hot merchandise of 04.2022 : Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack (FLTYS-BEA-SB0246-A). Find it on www.flywell.com.tw

Here are detailed information of Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack (FLTYS-BEA-SB0246-A). We invite you to kindly have a look at our various products & categories. We are sure that if you are looking for manufacturer and supplier in Taiwan, it is a good choice to get associated with us and receive best services. sales@flywell.com.tw


FLTYS-BEA-SB0246-A Description:
  • Flywell's Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack provides the quickest and simplest ways to keep your bathrobes, towels and clothes off the floor and easy to find
  • Our over the door towel hooks help you turn the wasted space behind your door into additional storage area
  • The door hooks are constructed of iron and finished with a thin layer of chrome for greater durability
  •  Each of bathroom door hooks come in 5 double hooks with crystal look ends

More Information Check Here


Over the door 10 Clear Hook Rack is one of our main products, featuring its durable quality and long-lasting performance. We constantly improve our technique and technology to provide the best product to our customers.


We are skillful in handling custom-made products as well. From product design suggestion, sample providing, production process, and quality control, to shipment, our professional teams would always be your friendly and helpful partner.


Flywell History:

Flywell International Corp was founded in 1985 by Richard Hsu in Taipei, Taiwan. From a 250-square ft. office and 2 desks to professional production, sales, marketing, and administrative departments, Flywell International Corp has consistently experienced strong growth by the impressive expertise in integrating supply chain in Taiwan for global customers. Richard named the company Flywell, flying the business well across borders. In the 30 years, our well received outdoor accessories, display fixtures, and shelving systems have been delivered to over 20 countries and millions of people in the world.

Our company is a reputed Double-sided Pegboard Display Stand manufacturer in Taiwan. Our professional environment attracts the highest qualified personnel in our industry. We have built a reputation that all of our associates are proud to represent. Everything we do as a company is based on reinforcing our position as the finest, most responsive solution provider in the Double-sided Pegboard Display Stand industry. Please feel free to contact us if you want to know more about Double-sided Pegboard Display Stand. Please contact us: sales@flywell.com.tw


■ Website: www.flywell.com.tw

■ Tel: 886-2-28969728

■ Email: sales@flywell.com.tw

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