Uber, Instagram, Twitter的早期投資者Chris Sacca,親自示範創業家Pitch以及投資者Judge

Uber, Instagram, Twitter的早期投資者Chris Sacca,親自示範創業家Pitch以及投資者Judge

Zenidea 2014-09-19 09:50



他是Chris Sacca。Ex-Googler以及早期投資Twitter的投資者。Chris Sacca一開始就對Twitter感興趣,所以就投了25,000美金。對當時的他而言,25,000美金並不是一個小數目,所以Chris渴望可以把錢賺回來,但萬萬沒想到幾年後Twitter可以為他賺這麼多錢。Chris不願意發表他個人的ROI,但當Twitter IPO的時候,Chris的Lowercase Capital擁有15%的股票。可見這ROI還真不小。



對於任何創投而言,都期望有一個「Twitter」放在自己的Portfolio裏,但Chris Sacca不只有一個,連Instagram, Kickstarter, Uber,他都是早期的投資者。他回想第一次跟Instagram的Founder,Kevin Systrom坐下來聊的過程。一開始Kevin就提到為什麼是Instagram,為什麼Chris需要參與。但當時Chris腦袋想的是,「我已經看過很多分享照片的服務,而我也很幸運的從Photobucket身上賺到一些錢,不過照片分享不可能再成功第二次。」


「但雖著Kevin的Pitch,我感覺得到他其實是看著5年後的未來,而且他知道他的服務會成功這件事情是無法避免的。當我們聊完之後,我的態度就變成『請你讓我投資』,這樣。一開始是『好呀,聽聽看你有什麼東東』,但結束時卻是『Wow! 拜託讓我加入!這(成功的)火車要離開月台了」











Alex Blumberg是一位前美國廣播電台的主持人。他為了創業而離開廣播電台(This American Life)。對於創業一無所知的他,回想到之前有針對專利的報導,拜訪過Chris Sacca,而剛好Chris也是This American Life的粉絲,所以Chris就答應與Alex會面。



吃完午餐之後,Alex想用他放在電腦裡的Pitch Deck來做Pitch,但Chris說,「沒關係,就邊走邊聊吧」。這樣的Walking Meeting/Pitch在矽谷很常見,但生活在紐約的Alex並不熟悉,所以在Pitch之前就開始緊張了。


Alex事先在網路上做了一些有關Pitch的功課,就依照Problem -> Solution -> Money的順序來做pitch,但結果並沒有很理想。這是Alex對Chris做pitch的原文。


Alex Blumberg

Here's the problem. In the world of audio right now, most people consume-- the kind of audio-journalism that I do, most people consume it over the radio. Those people are leaving the radio in droves, and they're migrating to digital. They're migrating to digital listening.

The number of, obviously, smartphone handsets are going through the roof. The audio dashboard is becoming digital. iTunes Radio, podcasting is all going to be on your dashboard. And there's this whole world of-- so there's all these people going there, and so I want to start a company that will create the content for all these people to listen to, who are, like, moving into the digital future-slash-present.

And I believe there is a huge opportunity in audio, specifically, to really do the thing that all media's dreaming of doing, which is making this-- making this freemium model work.

因為Alex的Pitch並沒有抓到重點,而天天接觸Startup的Chris也漸漸失去耐心,不過Chris開始引導Alex給予更精准的資訊,但緊張且沒有經驗的Alex不但沒有抓到重點,而逐漸偏離自己的Story。Chris給予最後的機會說「如果我現在就Call Uber,兩分鐘後車就會來了。這是你所剩下的時間,你會怎麼做?」



Chris Sacca

You lost track of your own outline.

Alex Blumberg

Yeah, I did.

Chris Sacca

What you haven't given me is the outline of your story, right?

Alex Blumberg


Chris Sacca

If I were calling an Uber right now and it said it's going to be here in two minutes, and that was all the time you had--

Alex Blumberg


Chris Sacca

What are you doing?




Alex Blumberg

So I'm making a network of digital podcasts that we will mon-- that will-- that will-- that is going to meet-- [LAUGHS] Sorry.


Alex最後的「Sorry」是因為尷尬,羞惱而發出來的呻吟。就像是我們在外國人面前外語講不好的時候會說「Sorry」一樣。(可見會講Sorry的不是只有台灣人 XD)Anyway, Chris接下來就打斷Alex,而請Alex給他個幾秒鐘,讓他嘗試著Pitch Alex的Idea。以下為原文。



Hey, look, can I get two minutes from you? So here's the thing. You probably know me, producer of This American Life, been doing it for 15 years. You know it's the most successful radio show, top of the podcasts in iTunes, et cetera.

So here's the thing. I realize there's a hunger for this kind of content out there and there's none of this [BLEEP]. It's just a bunch of jerk [BLEEP] podcasts. Nothing's out there.

Advertisers are dying for it. Users are dying for it. And if you look at the macro environment, we're seeing more and more podcast integrations into cars. People want this content. It's a whole new button in the latest version of iOS.

So here's the thing. Nobody else can make this [BLEEP]. I know how to make it better than anybody else in the world. And so I've already identified a few key areas where I know there's hunger for the podcast. We've got the subject matter. We're going to launch this [BLEEP]. I know there's advertisers who want to get involved with it.

But here's the unfair advantage I have. Because of what I've done in my past careers with This American Life and with Planet Money, people are actually willing to just straight-up pay for this stuff. And I'm not just talking about traditional subscriptions. I'm talking-- we did this T-shirt experiment atPlanet Money where we got $600,000 coming in, where people actually gave us money to buy a t-shirt with our logo on it as part of the content. It was integrated directly. And I know we can replicate that across these other platforms.

So here's what we're doing. We're putting together a million and a half dollars. That's going to buy us three, four guys who are going to launch these three podcasts in the next 12 months. We think very easily we could get to 300,000, 400,000 net subscribers across the whole thing.

With CPMs where they are in this market right now, I know on advertising alone, we could get to break even. But as we do more of this integration, we get people texting in to donate to this stuff, buying some of this product, doing some of these integrated episodes, I know that we're going to have on our hands here something that will ultimately scale to be a network of 12, 15 podcasts. The audience is there. They want it. Nobody else can do it like we can. Are you in?







我是誰 (因為Alex沒有一個Team)







聽完Chris的Pitch,Alex不禁地稱讚「That's Amazing!」,想像如果自己的pitch也可以這麼好的話,Chris應該就會投他。但接下來Chris用投資者的角度來反駁自己的Pitch。



Yeah, yeah, yeah. Media's very, very hard, as you know. This content's really hard to consume. It's longer form. You're counting on people spending that kind of dedicated time. I mean, you're fighting an overall trend of attention, and every other format is going to shorter and shorter content pieces. And so you're actually swimming upstream with that stuff.

You have a lot of platform risk, because you're depending upon Apple and Google to distribute your content. The kind of stuff you're doing with PlanetMoney is exciting, but it's all under the veil of being a nonprofit. People feel a moral obligation to contribute to those kinds of things. You come outside from under the public radio veil, and you have to worry about whether people are going to be a little bit jaded and feel like they don't necessarily need to donate to a for-profit company to make for-profit content for guys who are doing this for equity and hoping to get rich.

You know, frankly, you think you might actually be uniquely qualified to do this, but we've started to see more and more news podcasts make their way out there. Some stuff from Khan Academy is moving up the ladder right now. So ultimately, you're not going to be the only guys in here, and it's going to be pretty competitive. Audio is kind of a niche market, and so I don't know. I don't-- I don't know if this is a fit for us.





(強烈建議讀者可以聽取實際上Chris Sacca的Pitch & Counter-Pitch。如果你有在創業或是創過業,Alex的Pitch應該可以感同身受。您可以從This American Life聽取這個Story(10:20~)。Btw, Prologue的故事就是先前介紹的「11歲的創業家」。值得一聽。)











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