Dominique Perrault-阿爾比大劇院 與歷史古城的強烈對比

Dominique Perrault-阿爾比大劇院 與歷史古城的強烈對比

欣傳媒-新生活態度Xinmedia 2015-04-30 00:00

要在法國阿爾比古城區豎立起一座現代化的阿爾比大劇院(ALBI Grand Theatre),就像是媲美建築大師Renzo Piano設計功力及勇氣,才能在像法國巴黎這種蘊藏深厚歷史的城市街道中再「塞」進如有機體般的藝術建築作品-百代電影基金會總部(Renzo Piano Building Workshop)。而建築師事務所Dominique Perrault Architecture也成功地在阿爾比古城區蓋起這座顯眼地標,間接改變了當地城市紋理。







Dominique Perrault Architecture 事務所 

Renzo Piano Building Workshop-外星體? 百代電影基金會總部

Renzo Piano百代電影基金會總部 入選2015全球五大辦公建築



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Dominique Perrault Architecture 


Albi Grand Theatre/Dominique Perrault Architecture

The Albi Grand Theatre is going to transform the texture of the city as
well as its cultural influence.

This building appears as an outstanding architectural symbol, on the
outskirts of the historic centre.

We have given priority to the presence of the Grand Theatre instead of
the cinemas, in order to organize around it a network of public spaces
and of cultural facilities. The Grand Theatre will be its centre.

Along the Alley of Culture, different public spaces will follow one another,
punctuating a walkway going from the cathedral to the Rochegude
big public park. This path begins with the creation of a square at
the level of the Sibille Boulevard, then arrives on the theatre place,
and continues on the cinemas place in front of the Athanor, to finally
open onto the public garden. That’s the idea of an « urban walkway »
animated by the succession, the juxtaposition and the interaction of
several cultural buildings.

We chose to clearly identify those different buildings with places which
give them an address in the city. Therefore, the preserved Athanor
building is modified to create the entrance of the cinemas. It becomes
the visible part of this « iceberg », offering a big lobby, with maybe
some shops and a café at the square level. In the basements, we find
all the screening rooms. So the base of the theatre place is totally
occupied by the cinematographic complex. This layout allows us to
liberate all the public space and to open it generously to the urban
activity and the population.

The very simple geometry of the theatre allows a setting up along
the Général de Gaulle Avenue, in an attempt of urban continuity and
proximity with the multimedia library, generating two more or less
triangular places on the side of the “cultural alley”. Those two public
spaces, new in this urban infrastructure, are laid around the theatre:
one is opened towards the historic centre and the other towards the

We searched a compact volume which allows the theatre‘s dimension
to fit for the best into its urban surrounding. We also searched some
functional, simple, direct and immediate principles, especially for the
access, by the public space, of the trucks, on the same level than the
stage and the backstage.

It doesn’t necessarily means that this back side of the theatre is « dead
», because upstairs we can find the boxes and the administration,
and above the experimental room. So, the four sides of the prism are
opened and inhabited.

Of course, the only opening on the theatre place is fully glazed like a
big window towards the city, welcoming all the lobbies, the galleries,
the balconies and the big auditorium.

From this transparent volume, we’ll reach the experimental room on
one hand and on the other hand the roof-terrace, where will be set
up the hanging garden and its restaurant. From this height, we’ll have
an open view on the outline of the city of Albi and on the surrounding

The building is made of concrete, covered with bricks. We will use this
material for the outside as much as the inside, for the floors as much
as the walls and the ceilings, to create a mono material architecture.
To the solidity of the brick, we oppose a smooth and lightweight cover,
which will dress up the prism of the theatre. This cover of metal mesh,
red copper coloured, which doesn’t rust, like clothing, will take on the
verticality of the building on two sides, and will take away from it on
the other sides, to open like a big drop cloth on the theatre place and
the cinemas one.

The curves and counter curves required for this static mesh create a
free, happy and lyric architecture. We’ll also see there the metaphor
of the drop cloth or the evocation of an opera stage design.
But most of all we’ll find there some brilliance, reflection, colour, which
reminds an architecture « dressed in a bright light ».

This metallic woven skin, as a lace, is going to protect the functions of
the theatre without separating them from the functions of the city. It’s
going to filter the light and to break the wind and the rain.
This big ornament has some sustainable qualities.

The mesh will adjust to the spaces and the uses that it covers. It will be
possible to weave it larger to offer some views from inside to outside
or tighter on other parts, to hide some structural walls, or to filter, like
a sun break, the light in the big foyers.

This tight veil will clear up some big arks at the public spaces level,
to let the visitors and spectators come in, and then will rise up in the
sky over the built volume to create an immaterial figure coming up in
the landscape from the roofs of the city of Albi.

As a conclusion, the measures that will be taken are:
- The use of the basement to inset there some car parks and
movie theatre,
- The qualification at the ground level of public spaces dedicated
to each cultural building,
- The search of simplicity and compactness, offering an
efficient, flexible and economic theatrical instrument.

【More Information】
Dominique Perrault Architecture 

Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Renzo Piano Building Workshop-Office Building, 2015 Building of the Year

More architecture tour information, here you go【Architecture Footprint】

More architecture works abroad, here you go 【International】

Text & Photos/Dominique Perrault Architecture 
Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.



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