光縫  Light slit

光縫 Light slit

設計盒子DESIGN BOX 2018-01-25 12:01


古迪室內裝修設計有限公司  Goody Design Co., Ltd.

李文琪  Wen-Chi Lee



Smoke is curling upward from kitchen chimneys with courtyard in the fields at sunset. That ‘s unforgettable common memories of nowadays middle-aged people.And how a modern commercial space with fusion of old building materials, old trees and landscape features be transformed from the traditional courtyard with a sloping roof?Designer provided a fresh and bold proposal of integration of old and new and double purport of heritage and humanities, in the name of light, giving the old building a new style and vitality.


The square ground outdoors with cement grouting, embossing methods to simulate the crack pattern due to the sun exposure on the fallow after the harvest. By doing so, the surface can also increase the coefficient of surface friction. The main office is the transformation of the present site courtyard. In the square and single-floor space, designer created a interior 180 degrees width lighting patio by cutting a light slit in the building, and broken closed cement cage, also introduced the natural light to the people’s activities field. And the link to natural through light wakes up people's feelings on returning to the land, and gives the metaphors of all nature is a endless cycle.



Because this light slit changed the original drab cement shell, people perceive the sundial movement, skew angles of shadow, and changes in a day or season, to feel and appreciate the fun of time. And the restless light rail, as the pace of time, reminds people seize the moment and live life in the now.



180-degree sun, moon, stars, store concentrated sky and endless nature, replaced three walls by U-shape glass, allows people to stay indoors with a relaxing space and close to the nature. The crisp white lines based chamber echo with the ceiling. Reception area and welcome counter with big windows at the entrance, and the lattice ceiling are built of timber brings the sense of leisure as first impression.


Long light slit connects or defines the different units, next to the wall is a row of white multifunction storage cabinets and affairs area. Using integration of continuous surface to escape the oppression of cabinet. And match the counter with three imitation trunk high cabinet defining office area. Designers express the busy life should not be completely occupied through abstract, figurative metaphor. The stone, light, plants and other elements without pretense, retain the same free association under the old shade tree for busy office field.




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