Enjoy the early bird discount on the general courses before Apr.24!
一般法語課 / General French courses: 時段有週間及週末的選擇(級數包含初學者及程度A1-C1的學員) /
Weekday or week-end course (for completely beginners or levels from A1 to C1 students) :
主題課程 / Workshops: 根據您的需求選擇適合的課程,想要練習會話、加強文法、聽力或是寫作等,課程皆有分級數 /
Reinforcing one specific skill whilst consolidating your confidence in communicating in French, a large choice of workshops is waiting for you! :
密集班 / Intensive courses: 上課時段為周一至周五每日9:00-12:00 /
Every morning of the week, give yourself all chances to progress in French fast and efficiently!
線上報名這邊去 Online registration now : https://goo.gl/HSJBA2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------新生若為非初學者請來電02-23648833(台北中心)/07-5214600(高雄中心)預約編班測驗 Non-beginners are required to make an appointment for a placement test. For an appointment, please call 02-23648833(Taipei) or 07-5214600(Kaohsiung)